
Intelligent Applications and their Types

Introduction The technology is ever evolving and ever-changing, with new applications being introduced in a short span of time. The innovation is being introduced in the form of applications with basic features. These features act as work assistants in daily tasks and activities. This is creating a shift in technology that is more smart, adaptable,

Cloud Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction TCloud computing is a network of services that allows on-demand access to the Internet platform. The services or servers may include databases, data storage devices, software, etc. Mainly, cloud computing helps in connecting the data or server without any need for physical data. This property makes information or data accessible and convenient from anywhere

Emerging Trends in IT: A Deep Dive into Artificial Intelligence

1. Introduction Information technology has evolved greatly in recent decades. Technology is evolving at a greater pace with each innovation. Not only are new technologies introduced but they are also being incorporated in every field. It has made daily tasks easier and has opened new doors for advancement. The greatest leap in the field of