
Robotic Process Automation and AI

Introduction Technology is ever-evolving and new trends are being introduced at a rapid pace. There is also a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to introducing hybrid technologies. This not only broadens the spectrum of technology but also provides a reformed outlook on traditional methods. With the latest advancements, it is becoming difficult to keep up with

Data science and its technological growth

Introduction Information technology has grown exponentially, with new branches emerging at a fast pace. It has brought revolution and a multi-solution approach to the digital problems of today. Businesses in the modern era are driven by the latest technology and their success depends heavily on it. To compete in this race, data is analyzed to

What is Blockchain technology? : It’s service and NFT integration

Introduction Blockchain technology is a database system that keeps a record of information. It is an advanced and one of the most secure methods to store data, as it is intractable and cannot be breached. Blockchain is also a distributive ledger that carries transactions across various networks. Hence, the term “block” is used, which saves

Intelligent Applications and their Types

Introduction The technology is ever evolving and ever-changing, with new applications being introduced in a short span of time. The innovation is being introduced in the form of applications with basic features. These features act as work assistants in daily tasks and activities. This is creating a shift in technology that is more smart, adaptable,

Cloud Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction TCloud computing is a network of services that allows on-demand access to the Internet platform. The services or servers may include databases, data storage devices, software, etc. Mainly, cloud computing helps in connecting the data or server without any need for physical data. This property makes information or data accessible and convenient from anywhere

Metaverse: Its Trends and Future

What is Metaverse? The news regarding Metaverse was hyped when Mark Zuckerberg announced his plans to launch Metaverse and how it would be the future of technology. There is confusion as to what the metaverse is and how it will improve the digital experience. The metaverse is a spatial platform that mimics the real world.